Saturday, November 15, 2008

End of the Cycle

十一月十五日 星期六 阴

虽然已经猜到结果会是甚么,我也以为我已经准备好了. 但真正接到验血报告时,心情不免还是会难过. 没有原因, 就是这样. Embryos' quality is good, range from grade 4-5 and lining thickness was 12mm. 下一步应该会尝试FET,最早也要在农历新年过后了. 我知道这是我的报应,因为我不够爱小孩,所以上天是不会让我轻易得到他的.


  1. have you gone for the bloodtest? but dun worry, you can still try again. maybe it's not the time yet... be positive. hugzz...take care.

  2. I have got my BT result and it is negative. I thought I have prepared for it but it is really not easy to take it when it is confirm..

  3. yeah, i understand wat u mean. i am preparing for it to just in case. i already now starting to worry about it cos i really have not been taking good care of my body, with all those late nights and unhealthy food.

    but dun be discouraged, yeah. there will be always your next FET. must try again and at least u have the experienced. and since your embyros are good and lining are ok, u will get it soon!!

  4. Yeah, am trying to b positive now. dun worry too much, just relax. If I am not mistaken u r self-employed right? It would b easier for u to manage ur time.

    Lots of baby dust to u..
