Thursday, October 30, 2008


十月二十九日 星期三 晴

好恐怖的ER. 对我来说,目前最辛苦的是ER. 好痛啊!可能是我的卵泡太多了.
27/10 7:30AM - Lucrin(0.04iu)
27/10 10:00PM - Ovidrel(250mg)
28/10 11:00PM - 吃两粒黄色的药丸,隔天六点钟就起身,总共上了五次厕所,肚子够空了吧.
8:10AM 提早到达,原本的预约是九点.
8:30AM 护士小姐帮我量温度和血压,然后付RM4900.
9:00AM DH交货,我换好衣服在房间里等.

10:30AM 等了好久,终于护士小姐来了,她要我把身上的饰物和手表都脱掉. Embryologist是一个中年华人,他帮我插管,并告诉我会痛,果然很痛. 闭上眼,然后就没有知觉了. 我不知道隔了多久才醒过来,刚醒来时头像要撕裂般,下腹部很痛很痛. 吊了一包的盐水和两包albumin,albumin是为了预防OHSS. 感觉超饿,已经禁食也没喝水超过12个小时了.

1:30PM 下床走回房,再吊一包的盐水,然后吃些饼干和Milo,好饿,还好我有买了BreadTalk. 我是个瞒急性的人,要我躺在床上无所事事真的很难,Ipod又在抽屉里,幸好后来护士小姐把DH叫进来.下腹部还是很痛很痛,止痛药好像没甚么效力. 一共取得27颗卵子,卵泡的直径是18MM以上.

常常在网上游览各论坛,都没有听说ER原来这么痛. 站也不是,坐也不是,连躺下也感觉得到抽痛. 天啊,这辈子最痛就这天了. 还好隔天醒来,一切好像都过去了似的,除了肚子有点涨风外,现在的我还可以穿牛仔裤呢.这几天还需要Cyclogest 400mg Insertion,各在11AM和11PM,最好两个小时内不要走动. 总觉得塞得不够深,老是流出来,尤其是在公司11AM的那趟,有时要开会根本不可能坐上两个小时.

Total cost for today is RM4900(ER) + RM500(albumin) + RM75(Cyclogest)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

最后一针Gonal f

今早打了Lucrin(0.04iu) and Gonal f(225iu). 终于这是最后一针Gonal f, 我希望自己不要再长新的卵泡,有点可怕,原有的卵泡快快长大就行了. 其实前晚半夜醒来就一直睡不好,很担心卵泡长不够大也担心卵泡长得太快. 所以昨天一见到医生就急问为甚么肚子那么不舒服. 医生原先还很满意我的数量,一听我那么一说就怀疑我的卵泡持续再长. 结果真的长多了14颗,医生表示他们懂得怎么处理,但我就得忍一忍这几天的不舒服. 快等不及ER了.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


十月二十五日 星期六 晴

Today is my 2nd US. My number of follicles has increased by double. I have a total of 28 follicles now. No wonder I have bloatedness. 2-3 of them have reached the size of more than 20mm. Most of them are at 13-15mm. Dr has to push my ER 1 day back for the mid-size follicles to grow for another day. My Gonal f injection will be reduced to 225iu. According to Dr, 14 is a good number, 28 is a bit too many. I hope the bloatedness will be gone after the ER.

Total cost for today is RM200.

This is going to be my last jab for this cycle b4 ET.

Went to MOF for lunch, I couldn't finish the tofu avocado salad with wasabi sauce. I feel so full b'cos of the bloatedness.

Friday, October 24, 2008


两天了得把裤子的扭扣打开,否则肚子真的好不舒服. 我想我暂时只好把牛仔裤和其他裤子摆一边好了. 不懂卵泡长多大了,肚子感觉好涨,完全不会觉得饿的那种. 每天还是固定的吃早餐,乳酪+牛奶+麦片+香蕉+蛋白,午餐外吃,晚餐喝Ensure+蛋白两只. 水果我吃草莓和葡萄,原本打算要天天吃粒苹果,买是买了但懒得削皮,所以还没吃. 不过我会停吃香蕉,听说不是很适合备孕,还有葡萄,糖份好像太高了点.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


拿了28号的假,因为如没意外这天会是我ER的日子. 至于2WW我只通知老板说可能会请假而已. 事实难料嘛,不想浪费我的假期,尤其已经所剩无几了. 如果31号ET的话,我们会住宿在酒店一晚,好好休息一天再回家.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


十月二十一日 星期二 晴

Today went for my first scan after jabbing Gonal f. I have 7 follicles on each ovary, size ranges from 7mm-11mm. When the size of the leading follicles reaches 17 to 20 mm in average diameter and the estradiol hormone level is appropriately elevated, then it is time for the eggs to be "harvested".

Will be on Lucrin(0.04iu) and Gonal f(300iu) until this coming Saturday. Then the Dr will decide and confirm the dates for ER and ET.

护士小姐从用过的3支Gonal F pen抽取剩余的足以凑成两支笔,所以我只需再多两支笔就行了. 希望我的卵泡乖乖长大,让我可以顺利完成这个周期.

Total cost for today is RM1200 (Gonal f RM600x2)

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Carefour的Brazil nut超贵,所以我又回去Giant买,这回我买200g. 其实还瞒好吃的,只是有些小贵. 买了一双可爱的TopShop平底鞋,这至少跟备孕有关吧. 还有,我还需要再买Ensure. 花钱花钱花钱,when is financial crisis going to hit home? Tough times, am I ready? Yeah, I have been trying to go for house brands for grocery.

Brazil nut 长甚么样子? 就是这样,像我的拇指般大小

Cooler Gel

护士特别贴心的交代,别把用过的Gonal f给丢弃. 要我带回去让他们把剩余的Gonal f抽出来再使用,直接丢太可惜了,因为很昂贵. 其实他们有给我一个大袋子,底层可以放冰块,但我嫌它太大了,有点麻烦,而且还得弄些冰块包起来,原因是我大意的把原本的冰袋给丢了. 后来从论坛里得知Daiso有卖这种Packed Cooler Gel,真的很好用,那我就不用担心要怎么把我的药大老远的带回去了. 我还买了一个aluminium tool bag,刚好可以装得下我的Cooler Gel,太可爱了.

昨天也在Dorothy Perkins买了衣服,50%+additional 10% for UOB member. 如果成功了就不可能穿得到. 但我不想这么想,我应该过着我原本的生活,买我想要买的,这样我才可以轻轻松松的渡过这个周期.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Diet guide for first trimester Pregnancy 怀孕初期(1-3月)饮食宜忌 Always remember to maintain a balance diet and take everything in moderation. Always consult your doctor if you have doubts.


1. 生姜――对身体虚寒孕吐厉害者有帮助。治疗孕妇着凉感冒有效。不能过量,会便秘上火。
Ginger – helpful for MTB with weak body and who has bad morning sickness. Effective treatment for pregnant women who change a cold or flu. Must not consume too much, will be lead to constipation and heatiness.

2. 板栗――活血化淤,止血的功效,孕妇常吃可以健身壮骨,有利骨盆的发育成熟,消除疲劳。但消化不良者,糖尿病人不得吃过量。板栗核桃粥对阴道出血,头晕耳鸣,小便频密有食疗作用。
Chestnut - Promoting blood circulation, pregnant women can eat for stronger bone health, development of pelvic, fighting fatigue. However, those with indigestion, diabetics should not eat too much. Walnut and chestnut porridge is effect for stopping vaginal bleeding, dizziness, frequent urine.

3. 草莓――有多种矿物质及维生素,明目养肝。丰富膳食纤维和果胶可帮助消化,适合因怀孕便秘的女性食用。常吃草莓,对头发皮肤有保健作用。
Strawberry - Has a variety of minerals and vitamins. Good for Liver and eyesight. High in dietary fiber and rich in pectin. Help to improve digestion. Suitable for women suffering from pregnancy constipation. Eating strawberries also promote better hair growth and complexion.

4. 蘑菇――白蘑菇,洋蘑菇。有大量植物纤维,具预防便秘,促进排毒,预防糖尿病及降低胆固醇含量的作用。含多种抗病毒成份,能增强免疫力。
Mushrooms - white mushrooms, Western mushroom. It is rich in plant fiber, helpful in the prevention of constipation. With a variety of anti-viral ingredients that can enhance immunity. Promote detoxification, prevention of diabetes and lower cholesterol levels.

5. 芝麻--钙含量高,对胎儿的发育有促进作用。洒少量在菜肴或白饭上,也可在煮粥时加入。芝麻有大量油脂,有润肠通便的作用。
Sesame - high calcium content, good for the development of the fetus. The sesame oil is helpful in the prevention of constipation. Conveniently sprinkle a small amount on rice or vegetable dishes.
Food to avoid during first trimester:

1. 山楂――会刺激子宫收缩。 Hawthorn (shan zha) - will stimulate uterus contraction.

2. 西瓜――会刺激子宫收缩,高糖分,糖尿病者禁食。 Watermelon - will stimulate the uterus to contract, high-sugar, not suitable for diabetes.

3. 龙眼――会导致漏红或先兆流产 Longan - would lead to spotting and threatened abortion.

4. 益母草――会使子宫收缩,对胎儿危害十分大。做月子时才吃。 Motherwort(yi mu cao) - cause the uterus to contract, to the great harm to the fetus.

What is embryo doing after ET?

3 day transfer:-
1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
2dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
7dpt.. Morula is completely implanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells 8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
11dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT

5 day transfer:-
1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
0dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
1dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
3dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
5dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells 6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
7dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
8dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
9dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT


The following is a list of tips that I got from Singapore motherhood IVF/ICSI support group:-

1. Place the raw egg white in a cup, pour boiling water on the egg white and stir, add ensure milk powder after 10-15 min. Cooking the eggs even for a short while over the stove destroys the albumin protein which we need. U must eat betw 4-8 egg whites after your ER op as the onset of OHSS is most severe after ER op.

2. Take 3 to 4 egg whites every morning during lucrin and puregon injections. Then took about 7 egg whites after ER. But reduced to 3 egg whites again after ET. Drink milk daily too.

3. Drink red dates help implantation.

4. Things you should DO before ER:
- Eat an egg or two each day or other protein rich foods
- Acupuncture (if possible)
- Massage
- Drink lots of water
- Exercise (only light exercise when stimming and after ER/ET like walking,. This increases blood flow to the uterus) Don’t get heart-rate over 140
- Eat lots of protein and high-quality fats. Nuts, seeds, eggs, meats, beans etc
- Eat lots of fiber as well. This helps PCOS women with IR to regulate insulin better
- Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Take frequent naps

5. Things you should AVOID before ER:
- DH should not expose himself to sauna/hottub
- Avoid cold/iced food
- Avoid excess amounts of red meats
- Don’t eat sugar or sugar substitutes! Sugar negatively effects egg quality.
- No alcohol for either partner for at least 1 month before ER
- Reduce or eliminate caffeine intake
- Avoid eating fish due to mercury content

6. Things you should DO after ER:
- Relax
- Drink plenty of Gatorade
- Drink Pedialyte(isotonic rehydration drink) and water to avoid OHSS. 3-5 liters a day!

7. Things you should AVOID after ER:
- Exposure to sun

8. After ET care:
- No heavy lifting! Anything over 5 lbs is too much
- Rest, rest, rest!!!!!

9. Avoid using Cologne, hairspray, aftershave etc during ER

10. Activity restrictions after IVF transfer
- lie on back for 1 hour after embryo transfer before going home
- limit physical activity for the remainder of that day. This means hang out on the couch or in the Lazy-boy recliner - watch videos, read, boss hubby around, etc
- allow "normal activity" beginning the morning after embryo transfer - but heavy bouncing of the uterus is restricted until after the pregnancy test. Therefore, water skiing, jogging, "uterus bouncing sex", etc. are probably not a good idea until after the pregnancy test

11. IVF embryo transfer and travel
- do not fly out on the day of the transfer, but wait until the next day

Monday, October 13, 2008



1. 每天必读论坛Singapore motherhood IVF/ICSI Support Group

2. 每天必喝Ensure Strawberry + Egg white

3. 零食换成Almonds,brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds

4. 开始跑步和瑜伽

5. 舍弃冻饮料

6. 尽量吃得更健康

7. 停吃胶原蛋白

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Long Protocol

十月四日 星期六 晴
进度就像预期般,还算顺利. 我才知道有两种Protocol,我的是较长的那种. 第一阶段是23天的Lucrin,AF预测会在第10至14天的时侯报到. 然后第二阶段持续Lucrin(0.04iu)8天,第9天开始打Lucrin(0.04iu)和Gonal F(300iu),打了Gonal F的第5天需要再回去检验,医生会跟着身体的反应调整药的份量一直到ER. ET通常会在ER的3天后,2WW才算是第三阶段. 今天医生还是很满意我的状况,我希望他说这话时可是真心的.

下个星期二开始就得自己打针,有点担心会应付不来,因为下个星期瞒忙的. One more thing, I need to store the medicine in the fridge. It would be so great if I have the SK2 small fridge for the SK2 Mask. Then I can make full use of it now.

Total cost for today is RM3470. The RM3000 is for Gonal F(RM600 x 5).



Thursday, October 2, 2008

E2 Test

一直有点担心自己对Lucrin没反应. 昨晚还恶梦连连,吓坏了. 还好检验的结果,E2 level是<18.4,从hormon level的角度来看,我现在可是在更年期喔. 哈!!

Went to Raffles Hospital for the BT. I paid the bill by UOB credit card and I got additonal 10% discount. Didn't know credit card promotion is also applicable to Singapore Hospital :D

Total cost for today is SGD48.90