Friday, December 23, 2011

IVF2 - 2WW

23/12 1dp3dt - 肚子的紧绷好象好多了。

24/12 2dp3dt - 虽然没有OHSS,但是好像是得了便秘。要喝更多的水了,而且喝水也会对细胞的成长有帮助。

25/12 3dp3dt - 今天是圣诞节,附近的诊所都没开。大清早跑去机场的24小时诊所打针。第三天了,还是没甚么特别的症状。
Total cost SGD75.95, 超贵!就因为圣诞节,医生的consultation fee涨到SGD51。太好赚了!

26/12 4dp3dt - 昨晚没睡好,因为SB十二点多起来哭闹。过后只睡了一阵,五点多就醒了。想着想着,突然担忧起来,那三颗胚胎还在我的子宫里吗?还是没甚么特别的症状,倒是卵巢受压力而导致小解不适的后遗症好象痊愈了。

27/12 5dp3dt - 便秘痊愈了。

28/12 6dp3dt - 因为体验过胚胎培植引起的痛楚,让我很期待和渴望那种痛可以再来攻击我。昨晚我就作了这样子的梦,夜有所思,日有所梦吧!醒了过来,分不清是真是假,朦脓中我有尽量分析一下,应该只是梦而已。

29/12 7dp3dt - 今早做了HPT,看见微弱的, 模糊的, 暗淡的那条线,我会有机会再见识那神奇的两条线吗?

30/12 8dp3dt - HPT还是不清不楚的那条线,好像有加深,希望不是我眼花。

31/12 9dp3dt - 不清不楚的那条线,好像真的有加深。但是还是没甚么特别的症状。

01/01 10dp3dt - 从HPT的角度来看,应该算是BFP了。没有甚么特别的症状,除了肚子肿涨和有很多的气外。BT定在下星期五。

02/01 11dp3dt - HPT的那条线没再加深。除了担心chemical pregnancy & etopic外,我好像得了late OHSS,我现在的肚子大得像怀孕了至少三个月以上。

03/01 12dp3dt - 今早没再做HPT,肚子还是涨涨的,尤其在吃饱后,还好体重没有增加很多。今天也是SB第一天上学,如果她可以适应的话,那我明天就会回去上班,都已经放了两个礼拜的假了。

04/01 13dp3dt - 昨晚睡不好,OHSS好像越来越严重,再加上担心SB在学校的适应能力,很早就起身。送SB上学后我就直接去诊所,等不及这个星期五了。拿了一堆的药回来,没有在那里等BT的结果。回家后才打电话问医生,HCG是1091。终于确定是BFP了。

Total cost: medication (Cycrogest, Folic acid, Calcium etc) RM550

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


十二月二十二日 星期四 雨

Total of 17 eggs retrieved, 13 ICSI and 9 fertilised. Transferred 3 embryos, 2 grade 5 and 1 grade 4, lining 15.5mm.

每间诊所对于胚胎的等级分类不一,重要的是细胞的数量和形状.今天的移植好快,才十分钟(11:20am - 11:30am),虽然有些痛但因为过程快速,所以还好,也没有流血.只是肚子肌肉还是有些紧膨,医生说是正常的.


Total cost for today: 2900(IVF) + 1000(ICSI) + 165(Cycrogest) = RM4065

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


十二月十九日 星期一 雨

今天下了一整天的雨,早上出门的时候差不多全身都湿透了.还好我们还是准时到达,反而是麻醉师因为下雨塞车的原故迟到了.手术11:45am才开始,醒来的时候已经是一个小时后的事了.这回感觉没上回那么糟也没那么痛,虽然还是有些不适. 总共取了十七颗卵,质素还不清楚。ET在冬至。

19/12 - 21/12 Dostinex(1 tablet every morning to prevent OHSS)
19/12 - 21/12 Cycrogest 11am & pm

Total cost : RM165 (medication)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Stage2: The 9th day (last day) on Gonal-F

十二月十六日 星期五 晴


16/12 - 0.1ml Busereline + Menopur 75iu + Gonal-F
17/12 - 0.1ml Busereline + Menopur 75iu + Ovidrel 250mg (10:30pm)
18/12 - take 2 Dulcolax tablets at 11pm and fast after that
19/12 - 11am ER under GA


Total cost for today: 2500(IVF) + 441(medication) = RM2941

Monday, December 12, 2011

Stage2: The 5th day on Gonal-F

十二月十二日 星期一 晴



12/12 - 0.10ml Busereline + Gonal-F 262ui
13/12 - 0.10ml Busereline + Gonal-F 180ui + Menopur 75ui
14/12 - 0.10ml Busereline + Gonal-F 150ui + Menopur 75ui
15/12 - 0.10ml Busereline +Gonal-F 150ui + Menopur 75ui

Total cost for today: 500(Gonal-F) + 360 (Menopur x 3) = RM860

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Stage1 : Cervical Dilatation

十二月六日 星期二 晴

麻醉师笑我说怎么生过了小孩还有这种问题啊?生产的时侯就该叫医生帮我做了,那就不必再多受一次苦.醒来后有些不适,其他都还好,直到回家后小解才知道为甚么需要止痛药。但隔天就恢复得七七八八,除了少许的pink discharge之外,一切都恢复正常。

08/12 - 12/12 0.1ml Busereline + 262ui Gonal-F

Total cost for today: 250 + 30 (pain killer) = 280

Friday, December 2, 2011

Stage1: 漫长的等待

十二月二日 星期五 雨

今早很早就到了诊所,因为要抽血等验血报告,再见医生.等了有整五个小时才见到医生,唉,没法子刚好有急诊,连带去的杂志都看完了.好消息是我的状态到前为止都还瞒好,坏消息是医生见议我做一项小手术,cervical dilatation.


02/12-07/12 - 0.10ml Busereline

Total cost for today : Gonal-Fx4 RM2000

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Stage1: Busereline 0.5ml (16/11-02/12)

十一月十五日星期二 晴


诊所今天没甚么人,很快就到我了,一切都还好,验血报告也很好, Anti Mullerian Hormone 31.8, 依以下的图表看来这数字还满乐观的。

1.5 very low ovarian reserve
1.5 - 6.5 low ovarian reserve
6.5 -19.8 Normal overian reserve
>=19.8 Good overian reserve

护士问我如果万一Dr Surinder不在,我会介意Dr Fabian吗?我表示无所谓,成功与否是有很多因素造成的,不强求,随缘吧!原来上次见了Dr. Surinder就是他的病人了.


Total cost for today: medication 480 + IVF deposit 2000 = RM2480

后记:老公不在,这是我第一次自己打针,有些痛。还有pink or brown discharge好象有増加.

Monday, October 31, 2011

microgynon 30 (28/10-17/11)

十月二十八 星期五 晴


然后他也帮我安排了我的疗程。开始服食21天的microgynon 30,16号再回去验血,如果没错的话,没甚么大问题的话,应该就会开始打针的日子了吧。

Total cost for today: Blood test 410 + medication 544 + IVF deposit 500 - 105 (Returned cycrogest) = RM1349

后记:复用microgynon 30后会有些轻微的pink or brown discharge.

老公的是一些supplements, 不会有副作用.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

FET2 - 2WW

12/09(3dp3dt): Prolution depot Injection SGD17

13/09(4dp3dt): 肚子怎么涨涨的?是药物的原故吧.

14/09(5dp3dt): 肚子还是涨涨的.

15/09(6dp3dt): I didn't know the usual clinic that I went is closed today. Approached the clinic next door, the doctor refused to inject for me as I didn't bring along my letter. Sigh, back to office now and probably will leave early for the day to get the injection done.
Went back to the clinic next door in the evening, the doc is very nice and its free of charge for the injection. After the injection, my stomach is bloated again.

16/09(7dp3dt): Dizzy, dizzy and dizzy.

17/09(8dp3dt): went to office BBQ, tiring.

18/09(9dp3dt): Dizzy, dizzy and dizzy. Went back to the usual clinic as the next door clinic was long waiting time. Forgot to take the pill in the morning.
Prolution depot Injection SGD17

19/09(10dp3dt): I don't feel any dizzy or bloated today. HPT=BFN.

20/09(11dp3dt): HPT=BFN and decided to stop medication.

21/09(12dp3dt): 生活回归正常。可是还是会在想,要再试吗?年纪不轻了,我知道我没有的是时间。我对不懂事的SB说,没有弟弟或妹妹,你OK吗?

22/09(13dp3dt): 失败了又想再试的心态是一种病态吗?Google for "IVF Addicted" and I found this site "When does IVF become an addiction?"

23/09(14dp3dt): Beta confirmed BFN.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


九月九日 星期五 晴

我的预约是今天下午一点钟,首先缴清所有的费用.然后是我的四颗胚胎,结冻后有两颗不是很好,一颗grade5(8 cells)和一颗grade2-3(4 cells),医生的见议是ET这两颗,其他的大可不必浪费时间了。


2WW就这样开始咯.就像以往那样,每天早上和晚上十一点钟的Cyclogest. 除了Proluton injections,这回还多了口服的Progynova 2mg,早晚各一颗.

Total Cost: STC balance RM2000 + EFM RM3720 = RM5720
Medication: RM 645.40

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What You Need to Know After Your ET

Immediately Post-Transfer: First 60 Minutes

After the embryo transfer is complete, your bed will be wheeled from the procedure room into a private room, all while you remain laying flat on your back. Most clinics have a 30- or 60- minute rule, in which they want you to remain laying flat for 30 or 60 minutes. Almost all embryo transfers are conducted with the assistance of ultrasound guidance. While the reproductive endocrinologist inserts the catheter and positions it inside your uterus, another member of the medical team is monitoring the transfer via a trans-abdominal ultrasound. This makes it possible for your RE to see the optimal place to release the embryo(s).All ultrasounds work best if the sound waves travel through fluid (versus air or tissue), so you will likely have a very full bladder before the transfer starts. After waiting for the procedure to begin (have you ever known a doctor to be on time?) and several minutes of having your abdomen pushed on with cold hands and a cold gel-covered ultrasound wand during the transfer, you will feel like you are about to burst.The need to empty your bladder after embryo transfer is often mentioned by patients as one of the most uncomfortable parts of the process. The good news is you don't have to sacrifice comfort to increase your perceived chances of success. Your doctor doesn't want you to be unnecessarily uncomfortable, and he/she will be happy to have their staff help you - with a bedpan. Don't pass up the opportunity to relieve your bladder, no matter how self-conscious or embarrassed you may feel about the bedpan. Given that you've already dropped your pants for the doctor and his/her staff every time you see them, it really isn't such a stretch to use the bedpan. If you feel like you need to go, just do it. Your nurse won't care in the slightest and your bladder will thank you.

After the Embryo Transfer: Instructions for the First Two Days

After you are released from the clinic or outpatient center, you will be given post-transfer instructions. Doctors will have different discharge instructions depending on a patient's medical history and their own preferences. In general, Reproductive Endocrinologists recommend:
- no heavy lifting for 48 hours
- no strenuous physical activity, such as running or zumba aerobics for 48 hours
- no tub baths or swimming for 48 hours
- no douching, tampons or using a bidet
- no alcohol, smoking or recreational drug use
- no intercourse and no orgasms (this stays in effect until you can see a fetal heartbeat via ultrasound or you have a negative pregnancy test)

Unless advised otherwise, you can:
return to work immediately (assuming it does not require heavy lifting, physical exertion or being submerged in water)
- engage in light activity (housework, driving, shopping)
- travel
- engage in sexual activity other than intercourse for your partner's pleasure - no orgasms for you! (this stays in effect until you can see a fetal heartbeat via ultrasound or you have a negative pregnancy test)

Won't My Embryos Fall Out if I Walk Around?

Thankfully, they won't. You will probably feel like tiptoeing around on a layer of foam for at least the first few days, and if that makes you feel better then go ahead and do it. But there's no need. Remember that in a spontaneous pregnancy, the egg is released from the fallopian tubes, the sperm travels all of the way up the vaginal tract, through the cervix, all the way through the uterus and into the fallopian tube. Fertilization typically takes place inside the fallopian tube, which is where the egg and sperm usually meet. The tiny embryo moves through the tube and into the uterus, where it can, given the right circumstances, implant in the uterine wall. If oocytes or embryos could "fall out" of the uterus, not many people would get pregnant at all. The uterus is defined as a potential space; that is, it is completely closed with the inside walls all touching, and can expand as needed to create space for a growing baby. Think of your uterine walls like a deflated balloon made out of sponge. In its normal, resting state the balloon will be small, the spongy walls will all be touching, and there will be no air inside. If you start to inflate the balloon, it expands to accommodate the volume of air that is put inside it. But while it is deflated and the walls are touching, you could put a marble inside and it would stay where it is until you start to inflate it.

Does Spotting Mean Its Over?

No. Please breathe now - you're turning a remarkable shade of blue. Your body has been going through a lot during your IVF cycle. Hormones, injections, stress, egg retrieval (if it is a fresh cycle) - none of these should be discounted. And during the transfer your doctor probably used a speculum so he/she could visualize your cervix, then the catheter had to pass through the cervix, and then the catheter may have irritated a tiny bit of the lining. In addition, you are likely on some hormone supplements including progesterone, which can cause spotting. Any of these things could cause a little spotting, and not necessarily immediately. There is another thing that can cause spotting, and this is a happy possibility: it's called implantation spotting. Implantation spotting happens when the embryo burrows into the uterine lining and implants, so that it can begin growing. Implantation spotting often looks different from other types of spotting; the color is a light pink or light brown and it may be "streaky" in appearance.Some women say that in addition to spotting, they also feel some mild cramping a little before or at about the same time the spotting begins. The feeling typically does not last long, as the embryo is quite tiny and only causes a mild disruption in the uterine lining.Not everyone experiences implantation spotting, so it is one of those aspects of the post-transfer period that tends to make women question everything. Are the cramps the beginning of my period, or are they implantation cramps? Is that spotting implantation spotting or is it the beginning of my period? I don't have any spotting or cramping - so maybe the embryo didn't implant! And on and on, until we are in a two week frenzy of anxiety and nerves.

Friday, September 2, 2011


九月二日 星期五 晴

是的,我又要开始FET的周期了,这是几个月前做的决定. 我想我应该是不会再尝试IVF Fresh Cycle了,所以剩下的四颗冷冻的胚胎是我唯一可以拥有多一个孩子的希望. 但这一回我看得很开,有了SB我已很感恩和满足,只是为SB添个伴,随缘吧.

首先我欠了一堆胚胎冷藏的的费用,唉,还好医生给了个七五折,然后是FET的费用,原来也不便宜,FET就这样开始咯.US可看见我的一颗卵子,不大不小,为了避免反复的来回测排卵期,医生给了我Pregnyl和Cyclogest,明晚7点钟自己在家打,我都忘了要怎么打了,赶紧把护士小姐交代的都写下来.接下来是Cyclogest,05/09和06/09两晚11pm,07/09和08/09早晚11点钟,ET安排在下星期五. 希望一切順利.

Total Cost: STC Deposit 1000 + medication 190 + urine test 20 = RM1210

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


渐渐的我终于明白为甚么再长的产假,这里的职业妇女还是迟迟不肯生小孩. 因为career sucide是真的存在的. 我的timing尤其不对, 十六个星期的产假里,公司换了新老板,部门重新调正,回到工作岗位的时候,才知道我的小组将会被同事接官. 虽然不服气, 但也只有默默接受,因为老板说过在今年的人事调整会让我带回一个部门,却迟迟不透露. 我想我已受够了这种等待,不清不楚的,让我很难处里事情. 破解了文件密码,让我看到了organisation Chart. 是的,那位同事真的拿了原本属于我的位置. 是的,事实是很残酷的,我要有时间做心里准备.

今年,要不要生第二个一直是我不能决定的事,要再开始IVF的路程有点让我缺步. 抛开金钱上的开支,心理上的调整让我特别担忧. 眼看自己在工作上的停滞不前, 我有点心灰,想要放弃了. 我从来就没有很大的野心,也许只是因为不甘心吧. 这些让我难过和失眠的事, 让我想要给SB添个伴. 改变不了新老板的决定,我想我至少可以为家里做些甚么吧..

让我再想想.. 目前只希望新年快乐..