Tuesday, October 21, 2008


十月二十一日 星期二 晴

Today went for my first scan after jabbing Gonal f. I have 7 follicles on each ovary, size ranges from 7mm-11mm. When the size of the leading follicles reaches 17 to 20 mm in average diameter and the estradiol hormone level is appropriately elevated, then it is time for the eggs to be "harvested".

Will be on Lucrin(0.04iu) and Gonal f(300iu) until this coming Saturday. Then the Dr will decide and confirm the dates for ER and ET.

护士小姐从用过的3支Gonal F pen抽取剩余的足以凑成两支笔,所以我只需再多两支笔就行了. 希望我的卵泡乖乖长大,让我可以顺利完成这个周期.

Total cost for today is RM1200 (Gonal f RM600x2)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oppss, sori, i accidenatlly clicked delete the comment. anyway, i am venusmaria from malaysia parentiong forum. just want to wish you all the best in your coming ER & ET and hope all your follicles grow to your desired size.. !!
