其实确定怀孕后,我一直都没有安心过,排卵试纸试了一次又一次,很害怕. 前些天有两天遇见brown discharge,幸好很快就没了. 但今天是最恐怖的, 下体有水流出来(watery discharge). 一开始我还以为自己敏感,后来我发现连裤子都湿了,而且还有些血. 过了几个小时,又有水流出来的感觉,这回好像血多过之前. 我现在很害怕上厕所,怕见红..
30/03/09 : 今天去了诊所一趟. 从US中可以看到一个Gestational Sac和yolk sac但没有fetal pole,也清楚的看得见两个出血的部份. 医生说如果出血是因为另外的妊娠囊掉落,那剩下的那个有很高的可能性会跟着掉落. 以我现在的状况,我自己都觉得不乐观,因为其中一个出血的部份很靠近它. US中显示我现在是怀孕五个星期又五天,流产的现象好像多出现在这段期间.
我和老公一向不是运气很好的那种,之前就有想过,这三月有两个考试,我对他说我只要考上其中之一就心满意足了. 谁知我都考到了,老公马上到附近的庙拜拜,我还想说等我稳定下来,我也要去一趟. 昨天老公又去了,昨晚问他说了甚么呢? 他说他祈求上天如果给了我们就不要再夺走,我听了眼眶马上湿了.
Total cost: Consultation fees 50 + US 50 + Medication 160 + injection 150 = RM447
1 year ago
薰衣草夫人, 真的很感谢你的关心.
ReplyDelete紫雨, 我已经开始调整心情去面对最坏的结果了..
ReplyDeleteHello! I wish you good luck in everything.
ReplyDeleteLast time I also had my exam and hubby said must wait till exam is finished then only will go for IVF.
Take it easy and I'll pray for you.
do think positively.. understand how you feel. i have sudden bleeding too during my week 9 and it was like those 1st day of menses bleeding. scared the hell out of me and i couldn't stop crying too. so, everything will be allright for you after what you have been through. do take care and rest well.. will be praying for you..
myfertilitydiary,我后来有再打针,还好第四天后就没再见红了. 谢谢你的祝福.
ReplyDeletemyshirley, thanks.. how's ur exam and IVF? Hope everything went fine.
ReplyDeletevenusmaria, it was so scary. I heard it is quite common to have bleeding during week 8 or 9. I guess ur pregnancy must be quite stable now. All the best to u..
ReplyDeleteits been a while since i dropped by and am happy to know u have succeeded in this round! Congrats. I look forward to more good news from you. One step at a time k, thats what i am telling myself now. I am also full of anxiety, my next ultrasound is next week. I will be 9 weeks then. I cant read mandarin much so i have to do lots of guessing when reading your blog :). How many weeks along r u now?
tintedsky, thanks. Ya, u r right. One step at a time. I am 7 weeks now. I try to blog in chinese, as it helps me maintain my chinese.
ReplyDeleteI am on my way to learning Chinese but I cannot fully type in it yet. I hope everything is going good for you. I completely understand the ups and downs of trying to conceive as I experienced many problems myself. I wish the best for you and your baby to be.