Monday, April 20, 2009

9th Week

My US today:-
CRL 21.2 mm (8 weeks 6 days)
Yolk sac seen
Fetal heart seen
Subchorionic hemorrhage still present but not increasing

Just a tummy US, I can see the heart beat clearly. Doctor advised to continue cyclogest 400mg until 12 weeks POG. Today could be my last visit to the clinic. It's time for me to look for a gynae in Singapore. This is my next assignment for the week. Oh ya, I have increased 1kg, so far no morning sickness.

Bought 2 bottles of bird nest from Lo Hong Ka, 10% discount with my member card. The last time I bought Lo Hong Ka was in 2005, the gal told me better to keep my card coz this card has been discontinued. In other word, only old members will have this 10% discount privilege. I never knew that the custom would actually tax me b'coz of these 2 bottles of bird nest. I was pissed off. They asked about the price and I simply mentioned RM200 per bottle and its just a gift from a friend. They calculated the GST that I was supposed to pay, FIVE SINGAPORE DOLLER. Gosh! The custom must really hate me..

Total cost: Consultation fees 50 + US 50 + Medication 509 + Urine test 7 = RM616

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Super Baby

我看见Super Baby的心跳了,第七个星期,一闪一闪的. 医生先在我的下腹部扫描,他很快的表示看见baby了. 但还是要通过vaginal ultrasound才看得仔细,Gestational Sac,yolk sac和fetal pole all seen. 医生有些意外,他说这个胚胎很壯,之前出血的部份还在康复中. 老公说过,可以着床的一定是Super Baby,那我希望在接下来的几个月里Super Baby可以一直都很健壮.

Total cost: Consultation fees 50 + US 50 + Medication 440 + Urine test 7 = RM547