Saturday, September 27, 2008

Yoga Postures for Infertility

1. Supported Bridge Pose :
- Lie on the back and bent your knees with feet flat on the floor ,
- Move your feet to your bottom as close as possible,
-Inhale and exhale deeply 4 times, then slowly lift your pelvis and buttocks off the floor while keeping your feet flat on the floor,
-Clasp your hands behind your back,
-Stay in this pose for a minute or two while breathing deeply.

2. Legs up on the wall pose:
-Lie on your side with your buttocks close to wall,
-Slowly inhale and exhale, then when you are exhaling turn your body and move your legs up to the wall at the same time so that you create a 90-degree angle at your pelvis between your legs and body,
-Stay in this pose for a few minutes inhaling and exhaling slowly.

3. Cobbler's pose:
-Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out,
-Inhale and exhale then while exhaling bring your feet close to your groin and push the sole of your feet against each other,
-Hold to your toes and when exhaling try to lower your knees to the ground as much as you can,
-Hold this pose for about 3-5 minutes while slowly inhaling and exhaling.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


这个月的AF竟然不准时报道,急死我了. 打了Lucrin,医生有说AF量会多,周期也会长些. 可是今天已经是第12天了,AF还没来,一开始就不太顺,唉..

后记: AF在第13天那天报道了, 26 Sept 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008


九月十三日 星期六 阴

從上个月AF的第一天算起的第21天,也就是今天,我开始了ivf cycle. 医生给了我时间表,如果一切顺利进行,整个过程会在十月底完成,然后就是所谓的2ww了. 医生很满意我的状况,他说我的身体已经准备好了,子宫内膜也正常. 抽血过后,护士帮我打了Lucrin针,瞒疼的. 这是会降低hormone level,阻止排卵. 估计这个月的AF会稍长几天.

看过一些论坛,有些人对Lucrin没反应,需要再加量,好恐怖. 果然是知道得越多越担心,我打算不要在搜查太多的资料,把一切都交给我现在的医生吧!

Total cost for Today is RM4000(Deposit) + RM470(Lucrin)